Episode 5
Creativity and Community: Bem Joiner
Bem Joiner is a native son of Atlanta. Born and raised in the city, he has a pure passion for its people and its progress. Bem is a major contributor to what makes Altanta's culture captivating and a hip-hop destination. He is a culture curator and co-founder of Atlanta Influences Everything. Bem has managed and consulted on a variety of lifestyle brands and designed meaningful programs for clients like Sprite, Mississippi Dept. of Education, truth.com, Jack Daniels, Nissan, the National Black Arts Festival, and countless others. Bem is also one of the founders of CreativeCall.org which is a community service effort/collaboration between Atlanta and Stockholm creatives. He's a busy guy!
I had the opportunity to sit with my brother (from another mother) during the summer to talk about the creative life, our love for community, daily inspiration, and a little bit of Bmore vs the ATL. We both love our home cities and have fun talking about how our cities have influenced who we are today.
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